Andrea Sfiligoi
Andrea has been gaming since he was 13 (when he designed his first boardgame and inflicted it on unuspecting friends - twice. Then everybody moved to play Red Box D&D and Rogue Trader WH40K). He has contributed to various gaming magazines including Steve Jackson’s Roleplayer and Pyramid and Nexus Games’ Kaos. For Nexus he designed the RPG “Inferno” in the early 90s, based on the French RPG system “Simulacres”. Andrea lives in Italy, with a writer’s mandatory allotment of cats and thousands of miniatures in an amazing variety of scales, status of pigmentation and genre. He manages Ganesha Games as a full-time job. Sort of.
WORKING ON: Too many things to list.
Sergio Laliscia
Older than he looks like and gaming since more than he cares to admit, Sergio has been working as a conference organizer for 12 years in Milan and Bologna. Then, after a brief experience with an italian game producing company, he moved back to Terni where he was born. He lives alone in a small part of a big house, leaving the rest to gaming tables and a fully equipped workshop. His next goal is to reach 8000 napoleonic figures in 15mm.
WORKING ON: Seven Years War game, several boardgames.
Daniel Mersey
Daniel has been a board and miniatures gamer since he was a kid in the 1980s and has been writing gaming and historical magazine articles since 1996. He has also had two history books published (one on King Arthur and one on Legendary Warriors) and has been a writer and historical consultant on several gaming projects. His other games include ‘Glutter of Ravens’ (1998) and ‘Dux Bellorum’ (2012). He has written ‘Song of Arthur and Merlin’ and ‘Song of Rooks and Pawns’ for Ganesha. He has recently published Dux Bellorum for the Osprey Wargame Series. Daniel’s gaming blog can be found here.
Ben Boersma
G’day, I’m Ben. I’m a Primary School Teacher by trade and have had an inherent love of frogs since I was a kid. I have been gaming as a hobby for over 10 years, but was dabbling in the art of game design well before that. My first effort was converting the computer game Worms into a tabletop game and changing the worms to frogs. From there, I started to gather notebooks full of ideas and game mechanics that I would think up, regardless of when the idea struck. I remember waking up in the early hours of the morning, to get a glass of water and then spending the next 3 hours frantically writing down a particular game idea. I never leave home without a notebook and a pen. The games I’ve written so far include Nuthin’ But Net, Song of Fur and Buttons, Ghost Rangers and Akitsushima. Andrea is very generous (ask anyone on the Yahoo group) and is a pleasure to work with. You can catch me on the group as Boromir_and_kermit or contact me via email on
WORKING ON: Akitsushima (boardgame).
Mr. Bistro
Mr. Bistro has been gaming since the early 80s and has always been especially fond of miniature war games. He has contributed to numerous publications for various “big companies” who he can’t name (their assassins are everywhere), but Song of Deeds and Glory is his first published book. He lives in the U.S. with his wife and cat, both of whom are tolerant of the thousands of little army men that have invaded their home.
Rich Jones
Rich has been wargaming for around 40 years and ‘floating’ around the industry in some form for the last 10, playtesting and writing rules for various companies and individuals, writing articles for magazines and was the editor of Wargames Journal. He games far too much as long as he isn’t ‘surfing’ (as in the real surfing and not on the net!) or skateboarding … his real job is teaching both Primary age school and the Bujinkan martial art. Rich will usually turn everything into a ‘game’ and at present is working on various projects but dreaming of the ultimate ‘samurai and ninja’ set of rules. A surfing, vegetarian environmentalist who plays at shooting and hacking on the table and in the dojo, his best friends describe him as a ‘hippy with attitude’.
Andy Frazer
Andy first stepped into the world of gaming when his parent bought him a few Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone Fighting Fantasy books… way back in the dark ages of the 80s… since then it has been all up (or is that down) hill from there.
In his youth, the bright painted figures of Warhammer, Rogue Trader [40K] and Blood Bowl, eventually led to the seedy world of “Red Box” Dungeons &Dragons… the gateway game to RPGsuch dark past-times as Call of Cthulhu… Elric… and the dreaded Paranoia!
Now with the full flush of youth behind him, he lives just outside Belfast, in Northern Ireland, supported by his long suffering wife (and editor) Jean. He slaves during the day as a Government oppressor… writing the stuff of fantasy at night… when the eyes of Big Brother aren’t watching!
Andy has written a number of submissions for different gaming magazines… most of which end up on the cutting room floor… and has contributed to various gaming supplements for systems such as Savage Worlds and Call of Cthulhu.
Well known for his ability to “talk a good fight”, then completely lose it on the gaming table… Andy plans to win a game of something some day… seriously… he does!
WORKING ON: too many half-baked ideas to count!
Andrew Boswell
Andrew Boswell was buying single Hinchcliffe figures from photostatted product sheets in the 1970’s without really being sure way. Then, in 1976 he discovered that D&D had been invented and it all became clear. His first set of rules seemed to result in an awful lot of blinding.
He has publishing credits with Mongoose Publishing, Australian Realms (back in the old days when Australia had its own gaming magazine), and has been published and reprinted in Melbourne’s Child, Sydney’s Child and Brisbane’s Child concerning the perils of television on the developing juvenile mind. For Ganesha he is the author of Flashing Steel, and is working on Song of Powder and Pike, battle rules for the Renaissance. His novel, The Vanilla Assassin (ISBN 9781921596148) exposes his passion for the darkly romantic 17th century.
Working on: Forged in Blood (large skirmish version for Flashing Steel) and a Scarlet Pimpernel setting for Flashing Steel.
John McBride
John McBride began gaming in 1960 with Avalon Hill's GETTYSBURG boardgame, and ordered his first miniatures from Jack Scruby a few months later. He is a history teacher, and author of PRIDE OF LIONS rules for mass fantasy battles and of SONG OF THE SPLINTERED LANDS (SSL) for SBH. He is working at present on campaign rules for PRIDE and a Robin Hood supplement for SBH, as well as an expanded version of SSL. John lives in Chattanooga, TN, USA, and is the father of David McBride who owns Splintered Light Miniatures.

Nic Wright
Nic Wright got hooked on miniature wargaming as a misguided child in the early nineties. Although he designed a number of rule sets as a teenager, none made it beyond the front door. He took a gaming hiatus for several years while he grew up and went to university, before growing up further and returning to the hobby a more rounded individual (in more ways than one). Nic is a professional archaeologist with experience digging on three continents and numerous academic books and articles to his name. ‘Song of Shadows and Dust’ is his first set of rules for Ganesha Games although he has published one previous set of wargaming rules, ‘Irregular Wars: Conflict at the Worlds End’ (2011). Nic’s wargaming blog can be found here –
WORKING ON: All at Sea: A Game of Galleys and Galleons
Massimo Moscarelli

He was born in Rome, with all that it entails. His first childhood memories are of playing with "Atlantic" plastic soldiers. A keen consumer of anime, kaiju eiga and wuxiapian and a compulsive reader of comic-books, science fiction and historical non-fiction books. Has a computer high school diploma and a Ph.d. in literature (study of ancient religions and linguistics). Massimo listens to Hardcore-punk, Oi! and Power-electronic music. In the past he has also written and taken photos for music fanzines and magazines. He is a WW2 Italian paratroopers reenactor. Part-time webmaster, he has worked on educational web-based games for children for the Italian National TV but now has a purely bureaucratic job. He re-discovered toy soldiers with WH40K, then becoming one of the movers and shakers of the Italian DBA tournament scene for over 10 years. He musters lead troops, mostly painted by his father. When time allows, he develops his games, attends conventions and playtest Ganesha games. He designed Zen Garden, the world's smallest wargame (or so he likes to think). Currently writing: Ferrum et Gloria. He's been working on this for years and there are more projects in his head.
Graeme Davis
Graeme Davis became hooked on myth and folklore after seeing Ray Harryhausen’s Jason and the Argonauts on his parents’ black-and-white TV. He studied archaeology (with an unofficial minor on Dungeons & Dragons) at England’s Durham University before going to Games Workshop to help develop Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and other games. He has written extensively for tabletop roleplaying games and contributed to over 40 electronic games as a writer and game designer. He loves historical and historical-fantasy settings and knows a worrying amount about monsters. He blogs at, tweets at @GraemeJDavis, and has a Facebook author page at