Party Builder v1.0.3b1 by Ray Forsythe for Fear and Faith Andrea Sfiligoi

Sample Creature
Points 3Quality 6+Combat 1
Special RulesNone



Quality: Combat:

Special Rules:
Acrobat (3) Designer Shoes (-2) Immaterial (17) Razor (3) Sun Grenade (9)
Affably Evil (-5) Difficult Target (3) Indiscriminate (-3) Reassuring (5) Sunscreen (5)
Amphibious (3) Disruptive (-3) Insane (-3) Recurring Character (5) Swampwalk (3)
Animal (-3) Dust 'Em (2) Killer Heels (2) SMG (6) Swarm (3)
Antique Pistol (3) Easy Target (-3) Leader (15) Savage (7) Tailslap (3)
Artificial (3) Entangle (15) Long Move (10) Science Major (5) Teleport (12)
Assault Rifle (9) Fearful (7) Love Interest (3) Screamer (-3) Thick Skin (4)
Aura of Terror (15) Flashlight (3) Machine Pistol (6) Semiautomatic Rifle (8) Thrown Weapon (2)
Awesome Magic (15) Flee (-3) Magic Weapon (5) Sensible Shoes (2) Timid (-5)
Back to Back (15) Flying (10) Malign Influence (15) Short Move (-5) Tough (15)
Ban (12) Forbidden Lore (10) Man Down (3) Shotgun (5) Transformation (7)
Bat Form (15) Forester (3) Matriarch/Patriarch (15) Silver Weapon (6) Treacherous (0)
Big (3) Grenade (7) Mindless (2) Single Chambered Rifle (6) Unique (0)
Bike (5) Gymnastic Flip (3) Minion (0) Skateboard (3) Vampire (15)
Bite Me (0) Hard to Kill (15) Mob (5) Slow (-5) Vandal (-3)
Bolt Action Rifle (7) Hard-Boiled (5) Morose (2) Smackdown (5) Very Fearful (12)
Bow (3) Haunt (-3) Mounted (6) Smart Mouth (3) Very Strongwilled (12)
Chainsaw (16) Heavy Weapon (3) Musket (4) Snow Walk (3) Warlock (15)
Chosen One (15) Hellspawn (-3) Necromancer (12) Spirited (3) Werewolf (15)
Clinging (3) Hero (15) Party Animal (3) Spiritual Leader (12) Whatever! (5)
Comical (-3) Holy Water (6) Pistol (4) Spray Paint (3) Witch (15)
Conviction (5) Holy Water Balloons (6) Poison (3) Stakes (3) Wolf Form (13)
Crossbow (4) Holy Water Pistol (2) Premonitions (7) Steadfast (3) Zombie (7)
Danger Sense (3) Huge (5) Protector (3) Stealth (3)
Demon (20) Hunter (3) Rash (-5) Strongwilled (5)
Demonologist (15) Icky (2) Ravenous (-2) Stunt Rider (2)

Party Name:

Figures: 0
Personality Points: 0 (0%)
Member Points: 0 (0%)
Total Points: 0

Last updated March 29, 2010