  Alexander the Great in OGAM? Date: 11/15/2013  

An Italian player (Valerio Gaetani) asked me if he could use Alexander the Great and a few companions and Hyspapists as Legend and mortals in OGAM. Why not, I said. After all, Alexander was considered of divine origins. The player had the idea of using Prophecy to represent Alexander's prowess in battle and tactical Genius.

Alexander the Great  Legend, points 80
Q3 C3    Tracts: Prophecy, Armoured
Options: Riding Boukephalos: add Mounted and Long Move for 26 points

Hypaspists (phalangites) Mortals,   points 22
Q4 C2  Armoured, Steadfast

Companion Cavalry, Mortals  points 34
Q4 C2 Armoured, Mounted, long Move, Dashing, rare (4)


  Reply Date: 11/15/2013  
From: Valerio Gaetani
Così si può usare la mitologia Greca con mortali del periodo "Alessandrino" diciamo..
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