  Ghost Rangers on Createspace Date: 12/17/2013  

Ghost Rangers is a complete Fear and Faith mini-campaign for ghost-Hunting with your tongues firmly planted in your cheeks. It introduces new equipment, characters and new exciting scenarios. 

The Ghost Rangers paperback (6x9 size, 64 black and white pages) is available on CreateSpace, and will be available in about a week on Amazon. This is a campaign supplement for Fear and Faith.

It was previously available as an 8,5x11 paperback but we switched to a 6x9 inches book just like the new edition of Fear and Faith. Similarly, Kooky Teenage Monster Hunters is being reformatted as a 6x9 book.

A copy of Fear and Faith is required to play. Written by Ben Boersma, also author of Song of Fur and Buttons and the Dawn: Rise of the Occulites miniatures boardgame.

Buy GhostRangers on CreateSpace:

Please remember that if you buy diretly from CreateSpace, you are giving Ganesha Games more support compared to buying it on Amazon - Big A takes  a larger cut off the cover price from books sold through the Amazon store. It is exactly the same book. Buying directly on Amazon may be preferrable to you if you are already an Amazon Prime subscriber (free shipping).

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