if you ever wondered how to put images in the ASOBH Builder, here's how Ray (the builder's creator) explains it:
Step 1) Download the builder to your computer.
The best way to do this is to go to http://www.ganeshagames.net/extra_info_pages.php?pages_id=17 and then right-click on the "ADVANCED SONG OF BLADES AND HEROES Beta Builder" text and select "Save link as". This should save a file named "ASOBHbuilder.html" to your computer (probably in the Downloads folder).
Step 2) Create a folder for the builder somewhere on your hard drive, then copy the ASOBHbuilder.html file to this folder.
Step 3) Create a sub-folder named "warband_images" in the folder you copied ASOBHbuilder.html to.
Step 4) Place your images in the "warband_images" folder.
Step 5) Click on "Configure Options" in the builder and select a Display Format option that has images.
Step 6) Use the Select image dialog to browser for and select an image in the "warband_images" folder for a creature.
Step 7) Add it to the roster. The image will show for the creature while it is being edited and in the printable roster.