Audacious Adversaries PDF INGLESE


Audacious Adversaries is a supplement for Four Against Darkness for parties of level 5-9. It features new monsters, new retainers, special features and unique treasures. Featuring: Zombie and Silver Sigbins, Creeping Kapres, Green Genies, Sentient Floating Fireballs, Maggot Warriors, Scarred Scarecrows, Corpse Golems, Cavalier Ghouls, Werehippos, Taunting Tiyanaks, Viridian Spiders, Polychromatic Dragons, plus 6 New Trap Rooms, 6 New Special Features, 12 New Magic and Unique Items, 6 Useless Items, 10 new retainers (Veteran Bodyguard, Eye Surgeon, Treasure Expert, Decoy, Fungi Fighter, Orc Negotiator, Wizard’s Assistant, Chronicler, Curse Neutralizer and Dungeon Runner) and 8 Quick Encounters for short sessions. You need Four Against Darkness and Four Against the Abyss to use this book. While designed with expert parties in mind, Audacious Adversaries may be used for lower levels with minimal alterations. 32 pages, PDF

Prezzo Ganesha games: USD 3,99

