The King in Yellow awaits...
The disturbances caused by the upcoming Great Ritual have begun
to tear at the fabric of reality, and well-known places have already
been replaced by a distorted version of them from other dimensions.
Meanwhile, the King in Yellow and his agent, the Pallid Mask,
manipulate events from behind the scenes and poison the thoughts
of unsuspecting people. And who is the mysterious plump man who
seems to be following the party?
Carcosa Rising is an expansion for Four Against the Great Old Ones
based on the Mythos-related creations of Robert W. Chambers and
Ambrose Bierce.
Carcosa Rising includes two new classes (the Cool Doctor and the
Dreamer), three alternate versions of Locations from the core book,
an entire new setting (Carcosa), three event tables for movement,
possible attacks of the Pallid Mask, and the final encounter with
the King in Yellow. Finally, a generator of Underground Temples,
allowing you to play in Lovecraftian-themed mini-dungeons, plus a
poetic and creative manifestation of Echoes from Yuggoth.
You can add any combination of elements taken from Carcosa
Rising to the core game, to ensure no two games are the same!
All you need to play is the core rulebook of
Four Against the Great Old Ones.
Prezzo Ganesha games: USD 10,00